Thursday, December 16, 2004


I was listening to Fresh Air on NPR yesterday, and the guest was Richard Viguerie, the so-called "Father of Direct Mail". Listening to him sounded a lot like listening to Islamofascists speak. He claimed that the liberals were waging a war against conservatism (read: religious conservatism), and that it was the liberals who are intolerant. I almost expected him to declare jihad against social liberals right on the radio. It's amazing how Christian fundamentalists can't see the parallels they draw with the Islamic fundies. Granted, Christian fundies have a religion based on life, not death, but even still, the similarities are clear. Both are anti-science. Both are cultural reactionaries. I could go on and on, but the only way to defeat ignorance is through patience and education.

And will Jesse Jackson please shut up! The election is over. The best way to continue to delegitimize the civil rights movement is to cry wolf over and over again. Keep it up, Jesse.


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