Monday, May 08, 2006

Sullivan's Part II!

I thought that Andrew Sullivan's recent post conflating Tennessee cops accused of torture and the Bush Administration as his dumbest post ever. However, his post today connecting Texas incarceration rates with the Bush Administration's detention policy is probably in the running, as well.

Good Lord, can Sullivan get even more hyperbolic? Besides the report explicitly saying that
The List has a number of weaknesses. Figures are
not available for eleven countries and the information
does not relate to the same date. Comparability is
further compromised by different practice in different
countries, for example with regard to whether all pretrial
detainees and juveniles are held under the authority
of the prison administration, and also whether the
prison administration is responsible for psychiatrically ill
offenders and offenders being detained for treatment for
alcoholism and drug addiction. People held in custody
are usually omitted from national totals if they are not
under the authority of the prison administration.

The report also doesn't indicate what is an imprisonable offense, nor does it indicate criminal capture and conviction rates, nor does it control on the government's willingness to actually give a correct census (China, anyone?), among probably an infinite amount of other possibilities the study did not control for.

All the report shows is that the U.S. has a high incarceration rate per 100,000 people, yet Sullivan can once again pull some bizarre metaphor out of his rear.


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