Thursday, February 02, 2006

Does the IAEA want Iran to have nuclear weapons?

CNN's report on the IAEA contains so much doublespeak, I can't even tell if the IAEA want Iran to have nuclear weapons or not.

Why in the world is the report from the IAEA about Iran's nuclear intentions to the Security Council delayed until March? The IAEA has had months, or even a year to make its assessment about Iran's nuclear capability. ElBaradei doesn't even want the Security Council to take any action until then. He even goes so far as to say that reporting Iran to the Council is "not a crisis" but "a window of opportunity" to resolve the standoff. Who does he think he's kidding? The months before recommending the situation to the Security Council was the window of opportunity, not now.

If there was ever a time for military action against Iran, it's now. Iran will never stop in its quest to acquire nuclear weapons otherwise.


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