Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Controversial Words At Sharpton's MLK Event

It seems like the race card players are at it again. Even on a day where we're supposed to be honoring a man who wanted peaceful change, we get crazy people playing politics. Take Hillary Clinton, nominally a centrist Democrat, who revealed her true colors by describing the House of Representatives as being "run like a plantation."

Disgusting. I used to think that she had a shot at winning the Presidency, and, among the Democrats, save Joe Lieberman, would be someone I'd actually vote for. No more. Now, she's nothing more than a race-baiting fraud to me, and I despise race-baiters more than anything else.


Seems like Newt Gingrich said much the same thing back in 1994. I would posit that situation as much different. He wasn't speaking in front of a black crowd. His intention wasn't to race-bait, by which I mean to appeal to racism of the listener. It was crude and uncalled for, much like describing situations using the Holocaust or Soviet gulags as a comparator, but not race-baiting.


At 12:13 PM, Blogger Runa said...

(Procrastinating from going to class... i hate school). Anyway, I wanted to say how it continually astounds me that, despite our different political leanings, we often (maybe 20-30% of the time) come to the same conclusions about specific issues, for COMPLETELY different issues. Take Hillary Clinton: I actually would have *never* qualified her has an electable presidential candidate, and I certainly do not react to this so-called "race-baiting" with your vitriole, but I don't really know under what circumstances I would vote for her at this point. I find her stance on free speech issues (re: "mature content" video games, internet domain stuff) to be completely appalling. And being the crazy liberal-slash-patriot that I am, if she won't protect free speech, I find it hard to believe that she will protect the other rights that I hold dear about this country.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Craptacular said...

If I were to vote Democratic, it'd be for Joe Lieberman. His own stance on speech is questionable, but he's significantly more secular the GW. Also, he's a hawk who's a strong defender of Israel and his foreign policy is most in tune with mine...at least among the Democrats.

The only reason Hillary Clinton appealed to me was because she appeared hawkish.

What rights do you hold dear, anyway?


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