Thursday, July 14, 2005

Even conservatives can be stupid

Sometimes the writers of Power Line can be really stupid. Just take this article by Paul Mirengoff in which he says that the idea that moral relativism was at the heart of the Catholic Church sex scandals was plausible.

The Catholic Church is exactly the opposite of "moral relativism". I mean, any religion that insists that its holy leaders must be all male and forbids them marriage and sex because of "morals" is only asking for homosexuals and pedophiles to join their ranks.

Mirengoff then goes on to say that "Kennedy's rhetoric is overblown" when it clearly isn't. Santorum claimed that "Boston...lies at the center of the storm." I don't know about you, but when you say something is at the center of the storm, you're effectively laying blame at its feet.

Maybe it was a slow news day, but I think that Mirengoff wrote his post just to get something out there.


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