Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Katrina victims call rescuers 'rednecks'

Looks like the race card is coming out again as some Katrina survivors testified in Congress that they were subjected to "racial slurs and menaced by guns."

Four of the five African-Americans who testified believed that the governmental response was rooted in racism. Terrol Williams, the fifth, thought that the authorities were simply unprepared.

Lee Hodges, in an attempt to show how racist her rescuers are, called them "a bunch of hard red necks" and called her evacuation point "a concentration camp." When told to stop making the comparison, she said "I'm going to call it what it is. If I put a dress on a pig, a pig is still a pig." (Was she actually talking about herself?)

In a sign how way out these people were, one of them, Dyan French, still believes that the New Orleans' levees had been bombed.



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