Sunday, October 31, 2004


Sundays are for recovering from Saturday. The Hong Kong was a lot of fun. It was sad to have to say goodbye to my buddy Matt, but I suppose if you had to choose a way to head out of town, going to the Hong Kong is a great way to do it. All was well there. Much scorpion bowls and drunkenness. Really fun. Several shots passed my way, too. I'm glad I've still got it.

Leaving, however, changed the story. Jessica from Matt's research group apparently had too much to drink all over Leslie's table and floor. I haven't had to clean someone up since college, but I'm glad that I did a good job of it. I hope that she's alright.

I've done all the errands I needed to do today, and tomorrow is the start of another work week. With any luck, I'll start the liquor store job tomorrow, as well.


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