Sunday, October 24, 2004

What a dreary day!

It's raining here on the Hill. How dreary. But, it's Sunday, and that's my take-it-easy day. I'm looking forward to the Sox game tonight. I don't plan on staying out too late tonight watching the game. I've been pretty zonked at work, and I'm developing a resistance to the caffeine. But who knows? More than likely, however, I probably will stay up for the entire game, unless the Sox are kicking so much butt.

In some good news today, it seems like Hamid Karzai is the winner in the Afghani elections. And the most significant thing is that he won by getting a little more than 50% of the vote. It means that the Afghan vote isn't subject to the fraud of, say, Iraq's election of 2002, and that can only be good news for Afghanistan.

And that's really the problem of John Kerry. Where Bush is accused (and rightfully so) of ignoring problems, John Kerry can be accused of ignoring good news and only remembering the negative. Maybe it's just election politics, but the fact of the matter is that in only a couple of years, Afghanistan is on the road to being a democracy, where before it was nothing more than a women-beating Taliban theocracy. That, in itself, is tremendous testimony of the transformative power of the United States and liberty.

Ah, well. On the best of notes, however, the Sox win again! They're up 2-0. Schilling was great, and all the guys are stepping up. I hope they get their errors under control, though. The Cards haven't lost at home in the playoffs, so if the Sox can get 1 or sweep, that would be great. I hope the Sox sweep. The series has been killer for my liver and wallet.

Night for now.


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