Sunday, October 24, 2004


It's been quite a day for me! Dropped my car off at the shop, went to the gym, went home, picked up my car, and then went to the Head of the Charles. It's pretty cold today. A three-layer day, in fact.

The Head of the Charles was its usual self. A lot of rowers, a lot of people hawking stuff, a lot of people buying it. There was the Kerry campaign begging for money. Apparently, the campaign is in so much trouble that they still have to ask for money 10 days before the election! Amazing. Maybe it's to pay off the mortgage Kerry took out on his house. You know, the one that he couldn't even pay the interest of with his income. I, of course, politely declined.

Not to be outdone, however, was the Bush/Cheney campaign desk, manned by a cold guy and girl, who asked me to help knock on doors in New Hampshire for $75/day. No offense, but if they're asking people from Massachusetts, much less Cambridge, to knock on doors in New Hampshire, that's really sad. In fact, the entire desk was sad. It was a small card table with a Bush/Cheney poster on it with a couple of forms. I don't think they had a single visitor today save me.

And now, I'm back in my studio on the Hill. Checking today's political news, it seems like The Guardian is advocating the assassination of George W. Bush! Amazing! But hey, the site's down (now I wonder why?), so check out Instapundit for the relevant graf.

Sickening. It's just sickening. To advocate the assassination of the leader of the free world is just about the lowest you can go. But, hey, it's okay, because it's George W. Bush. That, coupled with Lawrence O'Donnell's nuclear meltdown on MSNBC has shown me that the left have gone completely bonkers in their hatred of Bush. Hey, I'm no fan of his, but I'm less of a fan of Kerry, and I don't want Kerry dead.

It's not a good sign when the Dems get so desperate, so full of vitriol, that they have to stoop so low. I don't ever recall a major conservative newspaper advocating the death of a Democratic President. Granted, The Guardian is a British paper, but seriously folks, these guys are demented loons. What with their arrogant attempt to try to influence U.S. elections, what other conclusion is there to be had?

Sigh. Anyway, enough of that for now. I must prepare to drink heavily and cheer on the Sox. I fear for the future of Boston.

UPDATE: Sox win!

By the way, I hated the stupid political ad during the Sox game. I mean, can't we all have 3 (or 4 or 5 or 6) hours where we don't hear anything about politics and just bond over the Sox? For goodness's sake!


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