Dream world
Maybe Jacques Chirac is dreaming if he thinks that Europe, much less France, will ever be America's equal, either militarily or economically. Insulting the U.S. isn't the best way to make nice, to boot. This guy is either plain stupid or so involved with himself that he doesn't realize just how pathetic and irrelevant he is. I guess it's just what happens when a country that used to be one of the most powerful in the world now has as its biggest foreign problem the Ivory Coast. When will they learn?
Also, now don't laugh, but people are actually getting counseling due to distress after John Kerry's loss. This is too funny. These guys are just pathetic. They shouldn't be counseled but committed.
Today was good. I got another shift at the liquor store on Tuesday. A little more money a week. Now, I'm definitely going to have to look into some way to record the TV shows I'll be missing due to work. I'm considering buying a DVR or looking into building a HTPC to do the trick. Hmmm...decisions, decisions.
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