Monday, August 06, 2007

Michael Vick, animal torturing while black

It's this kind of 'waahmbulance' crap from victimhood-loving black people that makes me ashamed of being a minority.

It's a no-win situation for the justice system for these crybabies. If Michael Vick were found innocent, it would be a white conspiracy to frame him. If he's found guilty, it'd still be a white conspiracy.

Black people have a legitimate grief, to be sure. Their ancestors were victims of a horrible crime against humanity imposed upon them by white people and their own. Many still certainly suffer from racism today. But they as a whole don't help themselves by crying 'Wolf!' each and every time one of them gets in trouble with the law.

Dog-fighting is disgusting, and torturing defenseless animals is about as low as you can go. It's sadistic and serves absolutely no purpose. It wouldn't have mattered if Michael Vick were black, white, or purple. He'd still be the famous quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons and he'd still be treated the same way by the NFL and the media.

Get over it.


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