Friday, November 11, 2005

Hackers use Sony BMG to hide on PCs


Sony is going to get sued up the wazoo! They said they released a patch online, but that option is pathetic. Those who don't have a connection to the internets won't be able to get the patch for a rootkit that can even disable your CD-ROM drive. Also, it puts the burden on you to actually be aware enough of what the hell is going on with your computer to know that it's the fault of Sony. Finally, even if you did fix your PC by completely removing the rootkit, who's to say that little Johnny won't stick that rootkit-laden CD right back into the PC and start the whole process all over again!

The long and short of it is that Sony has put a rootkit out in the wild for others to exploit that nothing can completely eradicate, save people getting the patch, which, by the way, only reveals the existence of the DRM, or simply not playing the protected CDs on their PCs. In essence, you had to pay Sony $15 to get a Trojan horse!



At 10:00 AM, Blogger Klem said...

The "Hill Observer" seems a little shortsighted! Why else does he withhold the title of the Sony CD?
Do we detect an element of 'Wallow' or does he always talk Crap?

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Craptacular said...

Well, the example is Get Right with the Man by Van Zant.

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Craptacular said...

You may find that here.


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