Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama: He takes 'Change' a little too literally!

So Barack Obama has backed out of a pledge to use public finances for the general election now that he has a lot of money coming in through the door.

What rank opportunism and Obama had the gall to blame McCain for not getting it done.

That's right, Obama. When you can't get something done, you blame the other guy. That doesn't sound like change. It sounds like the same old, same old in Washington politics.

I mean, Obama's excuse is that they tried to negotiate with the McCain camp, but couldn't get anywhere. McCain's camp promptly cried foul and essentially called the Obama camp a bunch of liars. When pressed, Obama's campaign counsel changed his story and now says that he "negotiated" for 45 minutes and gave up.

Wow, if 45 minutes is the best Obama could come up with when negotiating with McCain, just how well is he going to do with Iran?

How pathetic, and the Obamabots will drink it up like Kool-Aid and spin until they're dizzy. I support McCain, but at least I don't think he's the second coming of Jesus Christ.

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