Thursday, December 01, 2005

Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood

In general, my position about minors seeking abortions is comparable to the law being challenged in New Hampshire: that the parents must be notified, unless a judge grants a bypass. Of course, I also think an exception must be made for the physical well-being of the mother. I say physical well-being because the usual 'health' exception is much too broad: it even allows for the mental health of the mother. So, if the mother, if she gives birth to a child, will suffer mental distress, that in itself is excuse enough for an abortion.

I must clarify that this is not my position on abortion regarding adults. Although I am generally pro-life, I don't believe that it is my place to interfere with the sovereignty of another person. Of course, when the other person (the mother) is potentially interfering with the sovereignty of the fetus, then there's the rub. Then it comes down to the question of when the fetus is considered a person. Right now, I support the general rule of thumb that forbids abortions in the third trimester until the medical world generally comes to a consensus otherwise.


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