Monday, November 21, 2005

Limousine Liberals

A study by the Catalogue of Philanthropy puts my state of Massachusetts 49th in terms of giving to charitable organizations. This study, called the Generosity Index, is based on the amount given and the average adjusted gross income of the state. More interestingly, most of the poorest states also gave the most in proportion to their income.

This doesn't surprise me and reinforces my belief that Massachusetts, one of the most liberal states in the U.S., is full of limousine liberals: those who profess to care about the poor, yet do the least to actually help them. I experience that every time I have to do a liquor delivery at my part-time job. I could deliver 2 boxes worth of alcohol worth $200 up four flights of stairs to a $1 million brownstone in Back Bay and wind up with no tip. In fact, most of my deliveries end up with no tip. If I do get a tip, it's usually $5 or less no matter how much I bring to the household. The most outrageous deliveries are to residences with concierges and the customer isn't even there to sign the receipt!

Now, I'm not poor. In fact, I'm fairly well off, so I don't need the money by any means. I work at the liquor store for fun and the discount. However, customers don't know that. To them, I'm just a delivery boy making ends meet. So, when I get no tip, I recognize those limousine liberals for what they are: hypocrites.


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