Sunday, August 07, 2005

Rich Liberals Vow to Fund Think Tanks

Haven't they tried this before?

Marc Buell, a Democracy Alliance board member trying to create a Democratic message, tries to explain why Democratic interest groups fail, saying that they "are without a voice."

But that's not really what it's about. Democrats are comparable to schizophrenics: there are so many voices that they can't figure out what they stand for. The Democrats likes to claim that the Republicans cater to the fringe elements: the Bible-thumpers. But that's the only, albeit powerful, group the moderates have to deal with. The moderate Left has a multitude of crazies: from the "Terrorists are Minutemen" Mooreheads, to the "Republicans are evil" Deaniacs, to the protectionist labor unions.

Due to their losses in every branch of the government, moderate Democrats are pulled off message by the desire to distinguish themselves from the Republicans, and with so many crazed voices pulling the moderates in every direction, the Left continually confuses the public by saying one thing one day, only to change its message the next. Eventually, the whole thing devolves into 'Bush is Hitler' chants, which is not a message at all.

It'll be interesting to see what happens in the 2006 interim elections and the 2008 Presidential elections. Can the Left eventually make peace with itself and stay on message? My gut says "no".


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